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BSBSUS412: Develop and implement workplace sustainability plans Assessment Answers TAFE

Course: TAFE

Assessment Type: Practical

Developing and implementing workplace sustainability plans is a huge undertaking. It can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin, not to mention what you should do first. Executing a successful plan requires the participation of all employees in your organization from top-level management right down to front-line employees.

To make this happen, you must first engage your employees to build ownership of the process. The starting point for developing a successful plan is to establish goals that are both ambitious and achievable; these performance indicators will provide an accurate measure of success down the track. A comprehensive sustainability plan must be multifaceted which include a combination of environmental, social, and financial elements.

This approach helps to ensure that your organization is able to sustain the type of impact you desire. In addition, this holistic view provides your staff with a well-rounded perspective of where their efforts are going and how it will benefit the business in the long term.

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In this section, we are describing some tasks. These are:

Assessment Task 1: Prepare sustainability plans

Sustainability is a key component in business that is often overlooked. It’s vital to have a plan in place for when you need to make changes or adjustments.

A great way to start off any sustainability plan is by creating an inventory of your company’s resources. This will help you to understand what you have to work with and identify any potential areas of improvement. Once you have a good understanding of your resources, you can begin to develop strategies for reducing your environmental impact.

1. Identify workplace sustainability issues and the feasibility of addressing identified issues with a sustainability plan

Sustainability is important for our future. There are many issues to look at; some of which are, companies wasting food and water, where the natural environment is being impacted by human activities. Each company needs to have a plan in place on how they will deal with these issues.

It is important that each company has environmental targets that they are committed to. This is then linked up with financial targets that have been set so that the company is operating within its means. A good idea would be to have a committee of employees involved in the process of setting these environmental goals. These employees should come from different departments of the company and also represent different levels of responsibility. For example, having the CEO on the committee would show that the company takes sustainability seriously.

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2. Research environmental legislation, regulations, and policies for application in the sustainability plan

There are various ways that legislation has been applied to businesses. Legislation may be imposed on the company by the government or it could be initiatives put in place by the business themselves.

It can also be a combination of both where legislation is set out but there are incentives offered to companies if they take up these requirements voluntarily.

One example of this is the carbon tax which imposes a price on carbon pollution by companies as well as introducing a mechanism for reimbursing those who have liabilities under the scheme.

This legislation has been applied to around 500 firms in Australia and was put into place because it would deliver real environmental benefits while also reducing energy costs for businesses that have to do a lot of air travel.

Regulations can also be put in place that deals with the management of waste. For example, there are regulations in place for the packaging of products. These regulations can vary from state to state or country to country.

Policies that have been put into place by governments can also be useful for businesses when it comes to sustainability. One example is the policy put forward by the EU which has set targets of 20% for biofuels to be used in cars and 10% bioenergy use by 2020.

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3. Consult relevant stakeholders for information on identified workplace sustainability issues

It is important that companies consult with stakeholders when it comes to sustainability. The different types of stakeholders should be considered carefully. These can include employees, clients, suppliers, and the general public.

There should be regular dialogue meetings held between these different groups so that they are aware of what is happening within the company and actively involve them in the process.

This helps to create a sense of ownership and also makes it more likely that the targets set will be met.

Stakeholders can also provide useful insights on how to improve the sustainability plan as they have a better understanding of what is happening within the company.

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4. Identify and document indicators for measuring sustainability plan outcomes

Different indicators can be used to measure the success of a plan. These include economic, environmental, and social factors. It is important that these are specific to the business and relevant for measuring its activities.

This is then linked up with key performance indicators (KPIs) which have three measurements: input, process, and outcome. This provides a more detailed view of how the company is performing.

For example, an indicator for measuring environmental performance could be the amount of waste recycled compared to the amount of waste produced. This would then be input into the process of recycling and then measured against the outcome of less waste being produced.

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5. Create sustainability plans

After the initial research has been conducted then it is possible to create a sustainability plan. This should be based on the goals that have been created by the company and include specific action items.

These action items will depend on the issues identified within the research stage but having all of these included in one document makes them easier to monitor. A period of time should be set out for when each of these action items needs to be completed.

The plan should also include an adaptation process that outlines how the plan will change over time based on new information that is obtained or changes within the business.

This shows that there is more of a long-term thinking approach being taken rather than simply putting targets in place without being able to monitor them.

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Assessment Task 2: Implement sustainability plans

When a business puts in place a plan they need to be able to monitor that it is being implemented. This can be done by internal or external assessments.

Internal assessments are when the company looks at how well it is performing against its own targets and proposed action items from the sustainability plan.

External assessments are when a third party assesses the company against its plan. This can be done by looking at both the environmental and social aspects of the business.

The assessments need to show whether or not the sustainability plan has been successful in achieving the goals set out within it. It is important that these are conducted regularly so any issues with implementation are identified quickly.

If there are problems with implementation then they can be addressed and changes can be made to the plan. This allows for a more successful outcome in the future.

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1. Identify resources required to implement a sustainability plan

In order to successfully implement a sustainability plan, the company will need to identify the resources that are required. This includes financial, human, and physical resources.

The financial resources are needed to cover the costs of implementing the plan such as hiring new staff or purchasing new equipment. Human resources are needed to carry out the work that is outlined within the plan. This could include hiring new staff or putting existing staff through additional training. Physical resources are things like office space, equipment, and raw materials. Having these identified can help to decide where any expenditure is going to go.

2. Source required resources

Once the resources have been identified, the company will need to source them. This could be done through internal or external sources.

Internal sourcing is when the company uses its own resources to get what it needs. This could be in the form of loans from the bank or using money from the budget. External sourcing is when the company gets what it needs from outside sources. This could be in the form of buying equipment or hiring new staff.

It is important to compare the costs of internal and external sourcing so the best option can be chosen.

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3. Delegate and supervise work team in the implementation of sustainability plans

In order for the sustainability plan to be successfully implemented, the company will need to delegate and supervise a work team. This work team should be responsible for carrying out the action items that have been set out in the plan.

The team should be supervised by someone who is responsible for making sure that the work is getting done correctly and on time. This supervisor should also be responsible for reporting back to senior management on the progress of the team.

4. Communicate sustainability changes to work according to organizational procedures

In order to sustain a company’s goals, employees must understand their responsibility in ensuring the organization can attain its sustainability goals. There are four primary areas of behavior change in which employees impact a company’s environmental and economic future.

Routines to inform others about changes or decisions. Change practices so that routine business activities have minimal impact on the environment. Make sustainable choices easier for themselves and others e.g., time management tools, nutrition services Informing customers at every step of the purchasing process – not just marketing about our “green” efforts but by asking them to do something environmentally friendly with their purchase when appropriate Reducing company-wide waste output- review constantly what needs to be recycled or reused getting rid of service contracts with companies that are harmful to the environment

Each employee must be made aware of their responsibility in order for the company to attain its sustainability goals. Managers should communicate any changes or decisions to their employees according to organizational procedures. Employees need to be given the tools and resources necessary to make sustainable choices easier for themselves and others. Marketing efforts should also communicate the company’s “green” efforts to customers. Finally, reducing company-wide waste output should be an ongoing effort.

Implementing a sustainability plan can seem like a daunting task, but by following these steps, it can be done successfully. By taking the time to source the required resources and delegate and supervise a work team, the company can ensure that the plan is executed correctly. Communicating these changes to employees in a timely manner will help to keep everyone on track. And reducing company-wide waste output should be an ongoing priority.

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Assessment Task 3: Monitor sustainability plans

After the plan has been implemented, it is important to monitor its success. This can be done by monitoring the four primary areas of behavior change.

These are routines, practices, choices, and waste output. By monitoring these four areas, managers will have an idea of how successful their plan is at getting employees on board with sustainable behavior changes.

If any changes need to be made, the company can make the necessary adjustments. By monitoring the plan, the company can ensure that it is reaching its sustainability goals.

Sustainability is important for the future of our planet. By implementing a sustainability plan, a company can make small changes that will have a big impact on the environment and its bottom line. By sourcing the resources needed, delegating and supervising a work team, communicating these changes to employees, and monitoring the plan’s success, a company can set itself up to be a leader in the sustainability movement.

Managing an organization that is dedicated to implementing and sustaining a “green” business plan can be challenging, but it is definitely possible with hard work and perseverance.

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1. Assess the effectiveness of the sustainability plan against indicators

One of the best ways to monitor the success of a sustainability plan is to set indicators and track them. This will help managers see how well the plan is working and where it might need improvement. There are many different indicators that could be used, but some of the most important ones are waste output, energy consumption, water usage, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The following table shows the amount of waste produced by an organization in various years; it can be seen that there is a significant decrease in the amount of waste after the implementation of the sustainability plan.

The graph above shows that a company’s energy consumption decreased after the implementation of a “green” business plan. This shows that the organization is making strides toward reducing its impact on the environment and reaching its sustainability goals.

By setting indicators and tracking them, a company can get a good idea of how well its sustainability plan is working. By monitoring these indicators, managers can make changes to the plan as needed in order to ensure that it is successful.

Sustainability is important for the future of our planet, and by implementing a sustainability plan, a number of positive changes can be made. Managers should source the required resources, delegate and supervise a work team, communicate these changes to employees, monitor the plan’s success through indicators, and make necessary adjustments as needed. By taking these steps, a company can set itself up to be a leader in the sustainability movement.

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2. Identify and evaluate successful and unsuccessful features of the sustainability plan

After a sustainability plan has been implemented, it is important to identify and evaluate its successful and unsuccessful features. This will help managers make changes to the plan as needed in order to ensure its success. Some of the factors that should be considered include waste output, energy consumption, water usage, and GHG emissions.

An organization should consider the following when evaluating whether a feature of its sustainability plan is successful:

  1. The amount of waste that has been produced under the new plan
  2. The amount and intensity of energy used by its buildings and equipment
  3. The amount and type of water used by its operations and products, as well as where this water comes from and where it goes
  4. How its GHG emissions have been affected by the sustainability plan

An organization can gain a better understanding of how well its sustainability plan is working by monitoring these factors. In making changes to the plan, managers should consider all of this information in order to improve upon successful features and eliminate unsuccessful ones. By doing so, the organization can set itself up to be a leader in its industry.

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3. Document evaluation of sustainability plan

After a sustainability plan has been implemented and its success is evaluated, managers should document the results. By doing so, they can monitor how successful the changes have been over time as well as provide information about it to anyone who may be interested. The following are examples of things that should be included in the documentation:

  1. Information about what organization is being evaluated and its mission
  2. Information about the sustainability plan, including why it was implemented, who was involved in implementing it, how long did implementation take, how much did implementation cost, etc.
  3. Details about waste output, energy consumption, water usage, and GHG emissions before and after the sustainability plan was put into place
  4. How the indicators were monitored and what changes, if any, were made to the sustainability plan as a result of this monitoring
  5. Photographs or videos illustrating how waste is being managed, employees are conserving energy, water is being saved, etc.

The documentation should be clear and concise so that it is easy to understand. It can be used to help a company improve its sustainability plan as well as educate others about the benefits of implementing such a plan.

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4. Make amendments to improve the future operation of the sustainability plan

After a sustainability plan has been put into place, it is important to continually monitor it and make necessary adjustments. This will help ensure that the plan is successful in the long run. Managers should consider all of the following when making amendments to a sustainability plan:

  1. The results of the evaluation conducted after implementation
  2. How well the indicators are currently performing
  3. The successes and failures of the plan so far
  4. The changes that need to be made in order to improve the plan
  5. The financial implications of any amendments that are made

By taking all of this into account, managers can make informed decisions about how to improve a sustainability plan. This will help ensure that it is successful now and in the future.

The best way to implement an effective sustainability plan is through participation at all levels of management, continuous employee training, committed governmental support, proactive community engagement, education about sustainable choices among consumers, progressive business practices with clear long-term benefits for stakeholders, and collaboration between private companies to develop sector-wide solutions to systemic issues.

When all these pieces come together, the result is a thriving economy, healthy environment, and engaged community.

The benefits of implementing a sustainability plan are clear. By taking into account the many factors that need to be considered, companies can create a plan that is right for them and their stakeholders. Of course, the information presented here is only a brief overview of what businesses need to consider when implementing a sustainability plan. By doing further research on your own and consulting professionals in the field, you can ensure that the plan you develop will be successful.

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