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CHCCCS015: Provide Individualised Support Assessment Answers

CHCCCS015 Provide Individualised Support is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to provide an individualized approach to supporting students in their academic, vocational, and personal development.

This course will also equip you with strategies you can use when working with people from different cultures who may have a disability or other special needs. The CHCCCS015 syllabus includes the following topics:

-Understanding disabilities  -Supporting learners with intellectual disabilities

-Working effectively across cultures

– understanding the diversity of culture, values, beliefs & practices, and managing cultural differences

-Developing your own support plan for individuals

-Developing a plan to support individuals

-How to assess an individual’s needs and how the person wants to achieve the outcomes in their life.

Assessment Activity 1. Determine support needs

It is important to determine your support needs as an individual, and then to consider how this differs from others. There are many different ways of determining these needs. This blog post will cover some of the main methods that might be used when determining support needs for students.

The tone here is professional and informative with a slight sense of concern for people who may not know how they need assistance in their lives or schoolwork. The tone and information are also very detailed, which can help people who are uncertain about the topic.

The beginning of this article is general enough for anyone to read and understand. It introduces the topic with a “what does need support mean to you” formula that will draw in readers who may not know what needs they have or why they might need support.

It also includes a personal example of someone who needs help, and that connects with the readers to make them feel like they are not alone in needing support.

1.2 Confirm individualized plan details with the person and with family and carers when appropriate

The plan is an individualized program and should be signed off with the person with dementia or their carer.

Depending on who needs to be involved in the planning process, it can vary a lot. Some people may want to involve family members and spouses if they are still living independent lives. But others may feel more comfortable signing off on it by themselves for different reasons.

For instance, some people with Alzheimer’s Disease prefer privacy in this personal event of life; there is so much emotional stress that disclosing even to close friends and family can sometimes create more suffering than good results.

In such cases, it might be good for the person to contact their social worker and let them consult about what sorts of supports are available locally according to need and family situation.

1.3 Ensure the person is aware of their rights and complaints procedures

The person should know their rights and complaints procedures.

This is very important to know if they are planning to go through with the procedure. It can be highly stressful and it’s a good idea for them to know what they’re getting into so that any mental trauma will be lessened. This is a complex procedure, so it would be in the best interest of the person that all avenues of dialogue were discussed thoroughly before going through with anything final.

The medical industry has come under fire lately for not adhering to many ethical norms in business practices as well as neglecting patient rights.

1.4 Work with the person to identify actions and activities that support the individualized plan and promote the person’s independence and rights to make informed decision-making

One way to make an early intervention plan is for the person and their support network to identify actions and activities that promote the individual’s independence, rights, as well as safety.

A good starting point is learning about what will be required in order to manage important day-to-day tasks such as shopping, cooking, transportation, managing one’s money, etc.

Then explore how this may be possible while minimizing or reducing barriers such as time constraints or lack of available information in regards to local resources.

The goal should be a robust plan with realistic expectations and success models of past experiences. Personalized services are particularly helpful when making plans for social interaction (arts & crafts), expressive leisure (music therapy), or any type of sensory stimulation (massage).

1.5 Prepare for support activities according to the person’s individualized plan, preferences and organization policies, protocols, and procedures

-Preferences and organization policies, protocols, and procedures. It is more important to offer the consumer choices about what they want than to change the individual.

The help is now based on planned support activities as per the person’s individualized plan and preferences. This article discusses ways for older people with dementia to make decisions about their health care while also taking all factors into consideration.

As occupational therapists, it is important that we understand what occupation means in order to provide therapy accordingly. Generally speaking, occupations consist of daily tasks that include employment or under which someone has professional experience such as teacher, artist, or scientist.

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Assessment Activity 2. Provide support services

Australian students often struggle with the transition into tertiary education because of a lack of support services.

The Australian Government has recognized this and is in the process of providing more funds to increase the number and quality of these services on university campuses across Australia.

This will help make it easier for students to navigate their way through higher education and successfully complete their degrees.

At the core of providing support services is achieving a positive experience for students with learning disabilities.

When this type of support is provided, it helps students develop new ways to cope with challenges and become more resilient and independent in their daily lives.  In addition, they will be able to reduce their stress levels while having an increase in self-esteem and confidence about the future.

2.1 Respect and include the family and/or carer as part of the support team

Include the family and/or carer as part of the team. Parents are not always trained like medical professionals in order to be effective at managing their child’s specific needs. Adding a healthcare professional to a team can often help guide, and assist in difficult or stressful situations.

A parent often has more information about their child that is needed for understanding and assisting with parent-specific issues such as feeding if they were present in the birth process, disabilities for example, or what age range may work best for describing symptoms.

Including both parents is an excellent way of having this critical input on decision-making if possible. Professionals who have experience working with these kids know many aspects of their anatomy before birth which may influence how we examine them now as well as what to consider for adapting their environment.

2.2 Provide support according to a duty of care and dignity of risk requirements

In order to provide support according to both the duty of care and dignity of risk, it is important for a caregiver or any individual doing work with children to have up-to-date information about youth at risk.

Youth are at high risk for exposure to abuse in child welfare settings due to the heightened vulnerability that comes with their age and developmental stage. Anyone who works with youth needs services that specifically address this elevated level of need.

In order to maintain an environment that supports optimal development, workers must know how the young person feels about receiving help and they must be properly trained in managing challenging behaviors while maintaining a sense of safety for both children and themselves.

It is also very important for caregivers or any individuals working with children to be aware of the different kinds of abuse that young people can experience. These include physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse.

2.3 Provide assistance to maintain a safe and healthy environment

The best way to maintain a safe and healthy environment is by maintaining good personal health practices. We recommend washing hands after going to the bathroom, before eating, or after changing diapers.

It also helps if you are constantly aware of environmental hazards that could lead to infection or illness ( including things such as sexual activities with someone who has an STD). Doing these types of things will help us maintain a healthy and safe environment for everyone.

2.4 Provide assistance to maintain a clean and comfortable environment

The first step to maintaining a clean and comfortable environment is the thorough cleaning of all surfaces – including walls, furniture, windowsills, picture frames. A vacuum cleaner used for quick pick-up will help.

The second step is preventing infestation in the future by keeping any openings such as air vents covered with screens or mesh fabric that bugs cannot penetrate.

When you leave your house during the daytime it’s important to make sure doorways are sealed and light-tight so that bugs can’t enter when you’re not home.

One last tip we want to give you is to prevent ants from coming into contact with food by ensuring all food is stored in sealed containers with tight lids preferably avoid kitchen counters at all times as this may attract ants to food and other edible items.

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Assessment Activity 3. Monitor support activities

Monitoring support activities is a way for organizations to meet their obligations under the Employment Equity Act. This blog post will outline how you can monitor your support activities and manage any risks that arise.

It’s important to note that this article does not constitute legal advice, but instead provides general information about the act and related monitoring requirements. If you have any specific queries or concerns, please contact your organization’s human resources advisor or an employment lawyer in Australia.

A good support system is a necessity for all employees. It helps to improve the well-being of our staff and reduce employee stress levels in the workplace, which ultimately leads to more productive environments.

3.1 Monitor own work to ensure the required standard of support is maintained

There are two aspects to supporting customers. Firstly, there is the ability to fix a problem when it arises. This can be measured and monitored to ensure the standards of quality promised in your SLA are maintained.

Secondly, you must proactively be aware of changes in your environment that can affect customer service delivery.

This is where change management starts and this may not always result in work that you’re directly responsible for – but there are proactive steps you can take to avoid things becoming an emergency later on down the line.

Some key areas where pro-activity pays dividends for monitoring own work include availability monitoring and incident response planning. Availability monitoring allows us to track whether sites are available (uptime) or if apps respond appropriately (latency).

One of the key ways to reduce downtime is by having a detailed incident response plan.

This helps ensure that staff are both keeping track of events in their environment and are trained on how to react when they encounter an outage or issue that needs to be fixed.

3.2 Involve the person in discussions about how support services are meeting their needs and any requirement for change

We would love to have your feedback and thoughts on how we’re meeting your needs, as well as any specific way that we could be changing things for you.

You can sign up for a lifer account on our website and give us feedback anytime by sending an email. Thank you so much for coming back and taking the time to let us know how you feel.

It means a lot to us–especially when it’s hard to tell what other people need because they don’t speak up! I also want to thank you for sharing what has been helpful for you here–carefully considering my existing needs is something I’ve really been working on in my recovery, too.”

3.3 Identify aspects of the individualized plan that might need review and discuss with the supervisor

Identifying specific areas which might need review with the supervisor is a good idea, so it’ll be easier to achieve the plan’s goals. With this information in hand, it will be easier for interested parties to provide insightful feedback and make intelligent recommendations about your unique situation.

Although this may take some time away from work, reviewing these topics in detail will definitely lead you to a better understanding of where improvements and changes can be made.

Given that one’s personal needs are varied, new elements can arise all the time. This is why it’s critical to revisit this process on a regular basis, taking into account the specific situation at hand.

3.4 Participate in discussion with the person and supervisor in a manner that supports the person’s self-determination

Participate in discussion with the person and supervisor in a manner that supports the person’s self-determination. You might start by asking for clarification but take care not to be judgmental. Be careful not to impose values, beliefs, etc, and respectfully hear their perspective even if you don’t agree.

See how they feel about present plans. Change your position if they seem doubtful or indecisive – express understanding of their reasoning without judging it as right or wrong.

Meet expectations for professional behavior (e.g., dress appropriately) even though it may have different boundaries from those at work eg providing necessary food to fulfill lifestyle choices; ask others for input on appropriate dress code.

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Assessment Activity 4. Complete reporting and documentation

The first step to completing any project is reporting and documentation. This blog post will outline the importance of documenting your work, as well as how to go about it in a professional manner. It’s easy to get into the habit of not documenting what you do or why you did it but that can lead to confusion later on when someone else tries to understand your reasoning for an action taken. You may also want to use this blog post as a checklist before handing in assignments or projects so that there are no surprises at grading time!

What follows are some tips for creating great documentation: -Always include who was involved with the project

-Keep track of all drafts, revisions, and changes made

-Use bullets instead of paragraphs wherever possible (for example, lists of action steps)

-List stakeholders and their input as well as the outcome of your intervention.

4.1 Identify and respond to situations of potential or actual risk within scope of own role and report to supervisor as required

Identifying and responding to situations of potential or actual risk within the scope of your role is a pivotal responsibility. You should document these events regularly to ensure awareness and provide evidence if needed for auditing purposes.

If the situation requires immediate involvement from your manager, then they need notification as soon as possible. Please always report any concerns you have so that we can all work together effectively in order to protect our interests.

4.2 Identify and report signs of additional or unmet needs of the person and refer in accordance with organization and confidentiality requirements

In accordance with organization and confidentiality requirements, a lot of clients come to me for mental health counseling. This is because I’m approachable, a good listener, have years of schooling under my belt, and can handle confidential matters related to personal challenges people go through.

In some cases, this will include seeking treatment from other professionals if it’s determined necessary by your care management team.

My goal is to provide an environment where you feel safe and comfortable while getting things off your chest or discussing options that might be available in the community for long-term success with regard to your needs.

It’s not uncommon for someone who engages in self-harm or substance abuse (either alcohol) issues to experience lingering emotional residue after leaving those behaviors behind.

As an example, a male client came to me recently and while discussing his situation with his wife I noticed that he experienced intense anger whenever she asked him questions about what was going on in his life.

4.3 Complete and maintain documentation according to organization policy and protocols

Yes, it’s an implicit requirement of the position. It is important to be organized in a way that facilitates documentation. When a new policy or protocol is developed, it should be conveyed to staff and revised according to each specific circumstance as needed.

Documentation helps provide continuity in healthcare and ensures there are no gaps when records may need to be shared with another practitioner. It’s also vital that anyone who transports specimens from one place to another must complete all documented required by law including labels or transport container markings and instructions on handling.

This ensures that specimens are handled for transportation safety purposes while they’re being transported.

4.4 Store information according to organization policy and protocols

Store information according to organization policy and protocols

There are many databases that can serve as your guide for how to store information. For example, if you’re storing data on inventory, the Uniform System of Accounts is a corporate reporting standard developed by the Financial Accounting Foundation which governs how goods should be accounted for across organizations.

If you’re looking for guidance on an accounting or finance issue, it’s worth checking out whichever requirements apply to either your business or industry sector may need to report financial progress in line with another set of policies.

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