EMT504: examine the role that heredity and the environment play in shaping development: Human Development and Learning Essay, UOT, Australia

University University of Tasmania (UOT)
Subject EMT504: Human Development and Learning

First, let’s examine the role that heredity and the environment play in shaping

What makes us who we are?  Look closely at this picture of two girls.  In what ways are they similar? How do they differ?  List the genetic and environmental forces you see here.

An epigenetic framework is an important tool for helping us understand the interplay between nature (or heredity) and nurture (or the environment).  The terms suggest that the environment can trigger genetic potential.

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Most human features are the product of several genes or are polygenic.  And if you consult the causes of many diseases, you will find that they are caused by many factors or are multifactorial.  Some examples include diabetes and heart disease. Some people are genetically more at risk, but lifestyle increases risk.

The basic building blocks of development are chromosomes and genes.
Chromosomes are long strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that contain the blueprint or genetic code for our construction.  Normal human cells (other than reproductive cells) have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Genes are specific units on the strands of DNA.  There are about 25,000-30,000 different human genes.

The Human Genome Project is an international research designed to explore and map the human genome.  This mapping progressed rapidly and now there are questions and concerns about how to use the findings in an ethical, non-discriminatory way. Questions about how to use this information in employment, insurance coverage, adoption, and other areas are still being considered.

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