Food Forward: How Volunteer Teams Move Surplus Produce from Tree to Table: Managing Staff and Volunteers Report, UON, Australia

University University of Newcastle
Subject Managing Staff and Volunteers

Questions for Case Study Analysis

Before answering the questions below it is recommended that do the following preparatory work:

• Read the case study titled “Food Forward: How Volunteer Teams Move Surplus Produce from Tree to Table” By: Nora Silver (available on Canvas)

From your research on volunteer management and engagement and thinking about the complexities of the real-life situation presented in the case study address the following two issues:

Issue 1. Volunteer Value Proposition

What are the key elements of a volunteer value proposition? What are the main differences in managing paid staff versus managing volunteers? What are the main challenges in not-for-profit organisations when they are seeking to attract and retain passionate and committed volunteers? What if any tradeoffs are involved in making a volunteer program rewarding and attractive to existing and new volunteers versus transitioning the more important and
responsible aspects of the work over to paid employees?

Issue 2. A case perspective of organizational development in the context of volunteer management What are the main key challenges facing Food Forward as it seeks to refine its mission, develop its services and grow its footprint? When answering this question, you should consider the needs and interests of the various organizational actors: founders, partners, clients, volunteers, super volunteers, and employees.

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