MKTG2008: Company A has used a celebrity called ‘John Smith’ to promote and endorse its brand. This has led to increased brand awareness and sales for the firm: Marketing Management Case Study, MU, Australia

University Macquarie University (MU)
Subject Marketing of Management

Company A has used a celebrity called ‘John Smith’ to promote and endorse its brand. This has led to increased brand awareness and sales for the firm. The marketing concept which is applied here is called “celebrity endorsement” which is one of the additional promotional methods of the marketing mix.

According to this theory, there must be a consistency between the endorser’s image and personality and the brand image. This business practice was successful and benefited the company as this marketing concept was applied correctly as they have chosen the right celebrity to ensure consistency
between the endorser’s image and personality and the brand image.

Company B has experienced decreased market share and sales due to some inappropriate business practices. This company used to target old-fashioned conservative customers who care about sales promotion and receiving low prices. As one of the business practices, company B has changed its pricing
strategy and eliminated sales promotion. This has led to huge complaints from their customer and decreased their level of sales.

The negative result has occurred since this company has not conducted any market research. Market research is a core marketing concept and strategies must be conducted after identifying and knowing customers and their features, wants, preferences, values, etc.

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