BUS10012: Imagine where you would like to be in your life in 5-7 years’ time: Innovative Business Practice Assignment, SBT, Australia

University Swinburne University Of Technology (SBT)
Subject BUS10012: Innovative Business Practice

Imagine where you would like to be in your life in 5-7 years’ time. Think about how this vision provides a sense of direction and helps you to develop as a professional. Imagine what your Linkedin profile will look like and how it describes your professional self, your experiences, and your achievements. This is what we call your Brand Your Future Self.

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The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate the skills of self-reflection and collaboration that you have developed throughout the unit. Throughout the semester you must compile a portfolio of materials. The materials include work you have developed during interactions in lectures, tutorials, and independent study time. You should assemble these materials into supporting documentation to accompany your Brand You Networking video.

You are expected to provide a creative and engaging video where you share your personal insights and learnings regarding the value of personal strengths, networking skills, social capital, and working collaboratively in a team.