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Social Model of Health Essay

TAFE Assessment Cover SheetThe social model of health is a model that mainly emphasizes analyzing the factors influencing health. Nursing students often struggle with assignment writing services Australia, Are you among one of them? If yes then you can hire nursing assignment writers for you.

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What is the social model of health?

The social model of health is a model which states that our health is highly affected by a number of economic, interpersonal, economic, political, environmental factors. It is a model that positively influences people to think about health.

The social health model also inspires people to concentrate on biology, anatomy, and physiology. This model also states that a person for understanding what is needed for becoming healthy require to explore interactions and influences that emerge from the complexities of human experience.

They need to gain knowledge about the interrelationship between body, mind, and society.

There are lots of pieces of evidence that demonstrate that people belonging to low socio-economic groups die at a younger age because of poor health. Such evidence also proves that health is highly sensitive to the social environment.

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Factors influencing health

Addressing the factors influencing health is very much essential for living a healthy life. Some factors which could affect the health of people are:

  1. Social Status and income
  2. Gender
  3. Culture
  4. Housing and transportation facilities
  5. Access to healthcare facilities
  6. Literacy and Education
  7. Social support network
  8. Employment and working condition
  9. Food security
  10. Features of the social model of health
  11. The social model of health advantages
  12. Individual health practices and coping skills

The interface between all these variables and the effect of social factors on health can result in a great difference in health among the people belonging to different communities.

For example, In relation to Australia, there is a great difference between the health of indigenous and non-indigenous people.

According to recent studies, indigenous children that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander are more admitted in the hospital. It has also been found from the latest research that indigenous children in Australia have a high death rate. Most of the indigenous people suffer from assault they are likely to hospitalize. Indigenous people in Australia have high dental cavities in comparison to non-indigenous people. Indigenous babies are more likely to have young, single mothers. Such poor health outcomes are due to complex social, historical, economic and environmental factors. Other external variables such as racism, poverty, colonization and inter-generational traumas have a significant influence on the health of people.

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Features of the social model of health

The social model of health has a unique feature compared to other models of health. Few features of the social model of health are:

Person health is influenced by social factors. According to the model, changes in social factors have a significant influence on the choices of people. Few factors such as gender, class, ethnicity has a great effect on the behavior, experiences, and choice of people.

The theory states that the body of a human being is biological, psychological, and social.

As per the social health theory, health is cultural. How health is perceived and the experience of disease and illness are expressed vary from culture to culture.

Health is political. Political decisions and processes have a big impact on health and the social determinants of health.

Different parameters for measuring health

Measuring health can be quite a difficult task. But there are 11 parameters based on which you can judge the health of people these are:

  1. Clean, safe, and high-quality environment.
  2. Stable and sustainable ecosystem
  3. The meeting of basic needs of food, shelter, and clothes.
  4. Easy access to a wide variety of resources and good experiences.
  5. A diverse, vital, and innovative economy.
  6. Support links with the past, with the cultural and biological heritage, and with other groups and individuals.
  7. A city form that is well-matched with and improves the above parameters and behavior.
  8. An optimum level of suitable public health and sick care services are accessible to all.
  9. High health status
  10. An ecosystem that is steady now and sustainable in the long term.
  11. A strong, mutually supportive, and non-exploitative community.

The social model of health positively influences people to get detailed information about different perspectives about health. It also identifies political, social, and cultural issues that can influence the health of people.

Department of Human Services suggests the social view of health. They state that we should put all efforts into changing those aspects of the environment which is having a negative influence on health.

The social model of health advantages

A person to have good health needs to first develop an understanding of their own requirement. By utilizing a social model of health a person can develop an understanding of factors affecting health.

The social model of health intends to identify the broader effects on health. It is basically a community approach for preventing disease and illness. The social model mainly concentrates on education, policies, and health promotion.

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