HCS205A: Students are required to identify a current social issue and critique the various policy options suggested by commentators: Australian Social Policy Assignment, SCU, Australia

University Southern-Cross-University-SCU
Subject HCS205A: Australian Social Policy

Assessment 2: Policy Analysis

Students are required to identify a current social issue and critique the various policy options suggested by commentators.

Examine the policy’s origins and the social problem it aims to address. Argue a case for amending the policy for a better outcome for the members of the community it is designed to support.

What will it take to implement the amendments?

Within Australian.

Learning outcomes

Relevant learning outcomes related to successful completion of this report:

a) Evaluate the impact of social policy in the economy and the concept of welfare

b) Identify and discuss the many components (education, health, housing and economics) that determine social policy and the relevant issues and dimensions

c) Appraise social policy in Australia and its role in income, education and health

d) Evaluate the impact of social policy upon families and children, housing, community services and the law and social order

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