Find a Minimum of 4 Hazards and Complete the Draft Hazard Register: Security and Risk Management Report, ANU, Australia

Subject Security and Risk Management


Step 1: Choose the venue you want to use for the assessment

Step 2: Find a minimum of 4 hazards and complete the Draft Hazard Register (just like you did for Queen Victoria Market in Part A). Use the risk matrix to calculate the risk rating.

Step 3: Use two (2) of the Hazards you have identified and used in the Hazard Register and explain the CONTROL measures you have chosen — why have chosen them (remember to explain them using the Hierarchy of Control)

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Step 4: Using one (1) of the CONTROL measures from Step 3 write a Policy and Procedure for the control.  A Policy is a reason for the control being used; A Procedure is how (the steps) to implement the control.

Step 5: Develop a plan for monitoring, review, and evaluating the two (2) control measures you identified in Step 3. Remember to cover consultation, audit committees, etc.

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