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BSBTWK401: Build and maintain business relationships Assessment Answers TAFE

Course: TAFE

Assessment Type: Practical

Building and maintaining business relationships is important for any company, but it can be time-consuming. With so many different aspects to consider, how can you be sure that your efforts are always in line with your company’s culture?

This assessment was written to provide some insights into the business etiquette that is essential for success in business. The topics covered include networking events, client meetings, when you should say no, and the dos and don’ts of using email when making an approach.

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In this section, we are describing some tasks. These are:

Assessment Task 1: Establish business relationships

When starting a business, it is important to establish business relationships with other companies. This will help you to create a network of resources and support that can help your business grow. There are many ways to establish these relationships, and it depends on the type of business you have and the industry you are in. Some examples are below.

Business-to-business networking events are a great way to get in front of your potential clients. These events typically consist of other businesses or entrepreneurs, and they provide an opportunity to meet with them one-on-one. Each attendee has the opportunity to invite two guests, so it is important to ensure that you have an influential friend with you. You can use these opportunities to both learn about potential clients and provide your own information on the services that you offer.

Client meetings are also a great way to establish new business relationships. When you meet with new potential customers, they will likely want to know more about how your company operates before they become an official client.

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1. Identify the business development and networking objectives of the organization and its own role

The business development and networking objectives of an organization can vary, but typically they want to increase revenue, market share, or both. They may also want to improve their brand image or create more efficient operations.

Your role in this process will depend on the position you hold within the company. If you are a sales representative, then your objective will be to generate revenue through new clients and retain existing customers. If you are a manager, then your objectives will be related to helping the business grow and developing future leaders.

No matter what your role is, it is important to understand the company’s objectives and how you can help contribute to them.

Networking events are a great way to get in front of your potential clients. These events typically consist of other businesses or entrepreneurs, and they provide an opportunity to meet with them one-on-one. Each attendee has the opportunity to invite two guests, so it is important to ensure that you have an influential friend with you. You can use these opportunities to both learn about potential clients and provide your own information on the services that you offer.

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2. Determine networking opportunities according to identified objectives and organizational policies and procedures

The objectives we identified were to increase revenue and market share. The sales representative should look for opportunities that are related to these, such as client meetings or networking events.

According to the organizational policies and procedures, your role in the company is to generate revenue through new clients and retain existing customers. You can use client meetings or networking events to do this.

Business development and networking objective should be such that should help you in your role at the company, regardless of what it is. So this means that the networking opportunities you choose should be according to objectives and policies set by the organization. As a sales representative, your role will involve generating revenue through new clients and retaining existing customers. You can use networking events to identify and meet such potential clients. Similarly, if you are a manager, then networking opportunities will help you develop future leaders within the company.

Networking can be extremely beneficial for your business, but it is important to do it in the right way. By understanding the company’s objectives and networking opportunities available to you, you can ensure that you are using your time in the best way possible.

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3. Confirm communication channels for information exchange with business contacts

Confirming the communication channels you will use to exchange information with your business contacts is an important part of planning for effective communication. By confirming the specific methods and tools you will be using, you can ensure that everyone has the same understanding of how and when the information will be exchanged. This can help minimize confusion and prevent any potential delays in getting your project off the ground.

The most common communication channels for business contacts include email, phone calls, and video conferencing. However, there are a number of other options that may be more suitable for your situation. If you plan to meet with your clients in person, then meeting location and time should also be confirmed.

By confirming the communication channels you will be using, you can ensure that everyone involved will have the same understanding of how and when to exchange information. This will minimize confusion and prevent any potential delays in getting your project off the ground.

Confirming communication channels is an important step towards ensuring effective communication between business contacts. By confirming the specific methods and tools you will be using, you can ensure that everyone has the same understanding of when and how information is exchanged. This can help minimize confusion and prevent any potential delays in bringing your project to fruition.

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4. Engage with business contacts using written and verbal communication to promote business opportunities

Promoting business opportunities using written and verbal communication is a crucial part of the job for any sales representative. In order to form strong relationships with your existing customers and find new ones, you must engage with them in a way that encourages interest in your company’s services.

In most cases, it will be necessary to send emails to contact business contacts to promote business opportunities. In addition to emails, you should also be prepared to engage with customers through phone calls or video conferencing when necessary.

By engaging with your business contacts using written and verbal communication, you can present information about your company in a way that promotes business opportunities. This will help ensure that both existing and potential clients are interested in what your company has to offer.

Engaging with business contacts using written and verbal communication is an important part of promoting business opportunities. In order to form strong relationships with your customers and find new ones, you must engage with them in a way that encourages interest in your company’s services. In most cases, this will involve sending emails to bring attention to business opportunities. It may also be necessary to engage with your business contacts through phone calls or video conferencing when necessary.

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Assessment Task 2: Maintain business relationships

Maintaining business relationships is an important part of a sales representative’s job. By keeping in touch with your clients and providing them with information about your company, you can ensure that they remain interested in what you have to offer.

There are a number of ways to maintain business relationships, including email, phone calls, and video conferencing. However, it’s important to tailor your approach to each individual client. Some clients may prefer more frequent communication, while others may be content with occasional updates.

It’s also important to stay up-to-date on your clients’ latest news. This can help you provide them with relevant information and strengthen the bond between you and your contacts.

1. Use communication techniques to establish rapport with business contacts

When communicating with business contacts, it’s important to establish rapport. By engaging in conversation and showing an interest in your clients, you can create relationships that encourage trust and loyalty.

Typically, the best way to build rapport is through verbal communication. This can include engaging in small talk or asking open questions to get to know your clients better. In some cases, it may also be helpful to send a personalized gift or note to show that you’ve taken an interest in them.

Establishing rapport is essential for building strong relationships with your business contacts. By engaging in conversation and showing an interest in your clients, you can create relationships that encourage trust and loyalty. Typically, the best way to build rapport is through verbal communication. This can include engaging in small talk or asking open questions to get to know your clients better. In some cases, it may also be helpful to send a personalized gift or note to show that you’ve taken an interest in them.

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2. Identify barriers to business development opportunities

Sales representatives face barriers when trying to develop business opportunities with clients. By identifying these barriers, you can formulate strategies to overcome them and build relationships that benefit both parties.

One common barrier is language. Many companies operate in multiple locations, requiring communication across different countries and cultures. In order to build relationships with your clients in a way that’s effective and respectful, it’s important to be aware of any potential language barriers.

Another barrier is time. Many sales representatives are required to juggle multiple clients at once, making it difficult to build strong relationships with each one. In order to overcome this obstacle, it’s important to dedicate enough time to each client and make sure that all your communications are timely and relevant.

Finally, some clients may be hesitant to do business with a new company. In order to overcome this barrier, it’s important to build trust with your clients and showcase the benefits of doing business with you. By identifying and overcoming these common barriers, you can develop strong relationships with your clients that benefit both parties.

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3. Use problem-solving techniques to negotiate solutions to identified situations

When a sales representative identifies a potential business relationship, they must determine whether or not it’s a good fit for their company. In order to make this determination, you should use a set of problem-solving techniques to see if the opportunity is worthwhile.

One technique is the SWOT analysis. This involves using information about your clients’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to determine if the relationship is beneficial. Another technique is the 5 Whys. This involves asking “why?” five times to get to the root of a problem. By using these problem-solving techniques, you can negotiate solutions to identified situations and make sound decisions about business development opportunities.

4. Seek specialist advice in the development of contacts, as required

As a sales representative, you may need to seek specialist advice when trying to develop business relationships. There are many types of professionals who can be helpful in different situations. For example, if you’re communicating with clients across multiple cultures, it’s important to find an interpreter who understands both languages and cultures well.

Another type of specialist that you may need is a lawyer. If you’re seeking to do business in a foreign country, it’s important to have a legal professional who can help you navigate the complex legal system. By seeking specialist advice in the development of contacts, you can ensure that your relationships are productive and beneficial for both parties.

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Assessment Task 3: Build and improve business relationships

Building and improving business relationships is essential for success. By taking the time to develop strong relationships with clients, suppliers, and others in your field, you increase the chances of achieving your goals. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

First, take the time to understand what the other person wants. This may seem like common sense, but it’s often easy to forget when we’re trying to push our own agenda. If you can find a way to help the other person achieve their goals, they’ll be more likely to work with you in the future.

Secondly, stay in touch. Make sure you maintain regular contact, even if it’s just an occasional email or phone call. Staying top of mind will ensure that you stay relevant to your clients. This will also help you develop long-term relationships rather than short-term ones.

Finally, be ready to negotiate with your clients if need be. If the client asks for something that’s outside of your company’s goals or policies, don’t be afraid to say no. Being able to negotiate effectively will show that you’re a credible and trustworthy representative for your company.

By following these tips, you can build and improve business relationships that will help you achieve success in your field.

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1. Develop strategies to represent and promote organizational interests to contacts

In order to succeed as a sales representative, you need to be able to effectively promote your company’s interests to potential clients. This involves understanding what your company stands for and being able to articulate it in a way that resonates with the client.

Another important part of this process is building trust. By establishing trust, you create a foundation of communication that can be used to promote your company’s interests. While this process may seem difficult, it is critical to the long-term success of your company.

To help you develop strategies to represent and promote organizational interests to contacts, try using a framework. This includes the Nurturing Process Model and SWOT Analysis. Once you’ve identified strategies that work for you, make sure to use them consistently in order to achieve the best results.

2. Participate in formal and informal networks that promote the organization

In order to be successful as a sales representative, you need to be able to create and maintain relationships with potential clients. One way to do this is by participating in formal and informal networks that promote the organization.

Formal networks include events such as trade shows, conventions, and other industry-specific gatherings. By attending these events, you have the opportunity to meet new people and create relationships that can be beneficial to your company.

Informal networks include social media, networking groups, and other online communities. By participating in these networks, you have the opportunity to connect with potential clients and learn more about their needs. This can help you create targeted sales strategies that resonate with the client.

Thanks to the rise of social media, participating in formal and informal networks is easier than ever. This is especially true for small business owners who may not have the time or resources to participate in events.

As you build your network, remember that it’s important to contribute as well as take advantage of these opportunities. By adding value to your clients’ lives, you create a lasting impression that will help you develop long-term relationships.

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3. Communicate issues regarding relationships in writing and verbally to organizational personnel

As a sales representative, you may encounter issues regarding relationships with potential clients. In these cases, it’s important to communicate with organizational personnel in order to resolve the situation.

This may involve sending an email or writing a letter to your supervisor or manager. It may also involve speaking with them over the phone or in person. By communicating effectively, you can help resolve any issues that may arise and maintain healthy relationships with your clients.

4. Seek and respond to feedback from management on the quality of relationships with business contacts

In order to create and maintain healthy relationships with your clients, it’s important to receive feedback from management on the quality of these relationships. This can help you assess how well you’re performing your job and what areas need improvement going forward.

If you receive positive feedback, focus on using this information to build off of strengths that help support your company’s organizational interests. If you receive constructive feedback, make sure to:

  1. Keep a list of areas that need improvement and identify strategies for improving these areas
  2. Share this information with your manager or supervisor on a regular basis; use meetings, emails, or other communications as an opportunity to discuss progress and provide insight into future changes.
  3. Take action to improve the areas that need it most.

By responding to feedback from management, you can ensure that relationships with clients are healthy and continue to support the organization’s interests.

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